Many individuals, including more than one in five adults struggling with a mental health disorder, benefit from psychotherapy or medication management. However, they don’t always have time to drive to an office for mental health care. At Forcey Behavioral Health Services in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Sherifat Forcey, PMHNP-BC, offers convenient telehealth services for adults, meeting with them from the comfort of their offices or homes. Schedule a telehealth evaluation by phone or online today. In-office visits are also available.
Telehealth at Forcey Behavioral Health Services is a virtual mental health service in which Sherifat calls you to discuss your mental health. She provides medication management, psychotherapy, and lifestyle education via your phone, tablet, or computer, which is a convenient option many individuals take advantage of.
Telehealth can address the following mental health disorders and more:
Signs of a mental health disorder include ongoing sadness, extreme anxiety, panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, or difficulty sleeping. You might struggle to concentrate or sit still, gain or lose weight, lose interest in once-favored things, misuse substances, or experience thoughts of suicide because of a mental health disorder.
It’s common to struggle with more than one mental health challenge at the same time. Sherifat takes an integrative approach to care, exceeding the expectations of her clients time and time again.
Telehealth provides the following benefits for people struggling with mental health conditions:
Telehealth is an outstanding option for busy individuals who have difficulty finding time for mental health appointments and those without reliable transportation.
Sherifat calls during a scheduled telehealth appointment time to talk about your mental health and well-being. She completes a psychiatric evaluation to determine which mental health condition, if any, you have. Sherifat asks about your emotions, medications, moods, thoughts, lifestyle, and behaviors. She personalizes a treatment plan that’s best suited to your situation.
Your treatment may consist of making healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, getting more sleep, avoiding drugs and alcohol, and minimizing stress.
You might also take prescription medications or undergo psychotherapy (talk therapy) with Sherifat once weekly or as needed to overcome difficult life situations. Call the Forcey Behavioral Health Services office at any time with questions about your treatment plan. If you prefer, you can always meet with Sherifat at the office for in-person therapy sessions.
Schedule an in-person or telehealth evaluation at Forcey Behavioral Health Services by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.