Forcey Behavioral Health Services is a compassionate behavioral health practice in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, led by board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Sherifat Forcey, PMHNP-BC. Patients have the option of appointments in person or through convenient telehealth as an added convenience.
Our practice exceeds the mental health care needs of people aged 18 and over in all life stages by researching and discovering unique treatment approaches, guiding clients through effective recoveries and improvements in quality of life.
Our work at Forcey Behavioral Health Services is more than simply “meet the patient and prescribe medication.” We deeply care about each client’s well-being and work endlessly to help them and their families flourish using conservative, integrative approaches to mental health care.
We provide outstanding mental health services using informed interventions and educational support for individuals and their loved ones. With utmost respect, we help individuals achieve the best life possible so they can thrive at work, at school, and in relationships.
We treat many mental and behavioral health conditions, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and psychotic disorders.
Our phenomenal staff offers comprehensive adult psychiatry services, medication management, psychotherapy, lifestyle education, and a combination of treatments.
We understand that mentality and behaviors influence perspectives, relationships, and decisions, which is why we personalize treatment plans to match each client’s unique situation. We guide them through their journeys every step of the way and ensure they receive the support, services, and resources necessary to thrive.
Schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment at Forcey Behavioral Health Services by phone or request an appointment online today.